Minecraft Monday: A Celebration of Passover and Community

What’s really awesome about gaming is that it’s accessible to so many people. Regardless of identity, gender, age, abilities, or race, gamers can come together in a virtual world and do some amazing things together. That’s what has especially drawn so many people to Minecraft, where Lost Tribe has a huge community of young gamers who love to not only play together but create things. Accomplish things.

Lost Tribe helped put together a Passover-themed game mode in Minecraft for the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester’s PJ Our Way program. The event for tweens ages eight to 12 will take place on April 3 from 4 to 5 PM. But first, we held a tech session on March 27 to help everyone get prepared for the virtual event.

What’s extra awesome about the tech session we had was Naomi Epstein, our Minecraft Administrator. She isn’t only knowledgeable about Minecraft but has a genuine love for the game’s ever-growing community.

One of the tweens attending the tech session needed extra help understanding how the Minecraft Passover event would work. To help them feel comfortable and prepared for the experience, Naomi created a visual presentation of the PJ Our Way program for the participant and their parents.

The presentation Naomi created had a step-by-step guide to help the gamer understand how the session would work to take away some of the anxiety around figuring it out. It even prepared them for possible questions that could be asked so they would feel comfortable during the event. Naomi also simplified the process of the participating tweens creating rules together.

Lost Tribe isn’t just a place for teens to rack up headshots or build cool things (although we have events just for those kinda things too). Lost Tribe is about community. It’s about bringing people together no matter where they live or who they are or what they love to do. Minecraft speedruns are cool, but so is creating a place for teens to hang out, laugh, and show off their creativity.